9.ASP .NET Programming

In this tutorial, ASP .NET programming is explained using an example "Student Database"

Web Forms is an ASP .NET feature that you can use to create the user interface for your Web applications. Web Forms pages offer you a powerful and straightforward programming model that uses familiar rapid application development (RAD) techniques to build sophisticated Web-enabled user interfaces.

You can use Web Forms pages to create programmable Web pages that serve as the user interface for your Web application. A Web Forms page presents information to the user in any browser or client device and implements application logic using server-side code. Web Forms page output may contain almost any HTTP-capable language, including HTML, XML, WML and ECMAScript (JScript, JavaScript).

In Web Forms pages, the user interface programming is divided into two distinct pieces: the visual component and the logic. The visual element is referred to as the Web Forms page. The page consists of a file containing static HTML or ASP .NET server controls or both simultaneously.

The logic for the Web Forms page consists of code that you create to interact with the form. The programming logic resides in a separate file from the user interface file. This file is referred to as the "code-behind" file and has an ".aspx.cs" or ".aspx.vb" extension. The logic written in the code-behind file can be written in Visual C# or Visual Basic.

The namespaces used in the .NET Framework about ASP .NET Web applications are


This namespace includes classes for managing HTTP output to the client (HttpResponse) and reading HTTP requests (HttpRequest).


It contains classes for creating Web Form pages, including the Page class and other standard classes used to create Web user interfaces.


It contains classes for HTML-specific controls that can be added to Web Forms to create Web user interfaces.


It contains classes for creating ASP.NET Web sever controls. When added to a Web Form, these controls render browser-specific HTML and script to create a device-independent Web user interface.


It contains classes that enable you to build and use XML Web services, which are programmable entities residing on a Web server and exposed via standard Internet protocols.


ASP .NET Programming using VB.NET


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