1.Familiarization of VB .NET Environment

In this tutorial, we will familiarize you with the Visual Studio .NET environment. Tutorial will show you different methods to open a Visual Studio .NET project, various wizards, adding/deleting multiple projects to/from a .NET Solution Explorer, adding/ deleting files to/from a project etc. The tutorial also familiarize you with Visual Source Safe (VSS) version controlling system. Microsoft VSS helps you to manage your projects, regardless of the file type (text files, graphics files, binary files, sound files or video files) by saving them to a database. When you need to share files between two or more projects, you can share them quickly and efficiently. When you add a file to VSS, the file is backed up on the database, made available to other people and changes that have been made to the file are saved so you can recover an old version at any time. Members of your team can see the latest version of any file, make changes and save a new version in the database. Click on the appropriate link below to see the video and the source.


 Getting Familiar with VB .NET Environment (Part 1)




 Getting Familiar with VB .NET Environment (Part 2)





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