In this tutorial, we will familiarize you with some of the C++ concepts like
Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism ,Function and Operator overloading,
Arrays, File handling, Templates , Exception handling etc using Win32 VC++
console application . This tutorial also guides you to write small
utility programs like Student Database. Some of the MFC classes like CString
CStdioFile, CArray is also covered in these tutorials. A brief description
about each of these classes is given below. Please refer MSDN for more details
about these MFC classes.
CString: The CString class provides member functions and overloaded
operators for manipulating strings.
CStdioFile: A CStdioFile object represents a C run-time stream
file as opened by the run-time function
. Stream files are buffered and can be opened in either text mode (the default)
or binary mode.
CArray: The CArray is a template class that supports arrays that are
similar to arrays in C, but can dynamically shrink and grow as necessary.
By the end of this session you will be able to write any type of console
application which suits to everyday need. It is assumed that the reader is
familiar with some of C++ concepts. Click on the appropriate link
below to see the Video and the source.